This is a quick 3D print that will save time and nerves.
My parallels are always needing to be "hand reset" to the vise jaws.
Well no more...These little springs work wonders on the milling vise parallels.
Cheers, JR
BuffaloJohn (Dec 18, 2024), davesrepair (Dec 23, 2024), johncg (Dec 18, 2024), Saltfever (Dec 21, 2024), Toolmaker51 (Dec 23, 2024)
Thanks jjr2001! We've added your Parallel Springs to our Miscellaneous category,
as well as to your builder page: jjr2001's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:
New plans added on 02/05/2025: Click here for 2,738 plans for homemade tools.
Great tip Toolmaker51, the strapping material made of steel is certainly worth saving.
Here are a few more of my older springs that I use on the mill.
First picture is of course just--- well---- Springs! They work good, just don't let them spring off into the shop!!
Next are some I made from an old quill return spring that I removed from my small mill that I did not need.
Last is the one I made from an extra long feeler gage of .012". Just bend them around a piece of round bar.
Cheers, JR
Back to the shop.
Thanks jjr2001! We've added your Parallel Spring to our Miscellaneous category,
as well as to your builder page: jjr2001's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:
New plans added on 02/05/2025: Click here for 2,738 plans for homemade tools.
jjr2001 (Dec 26, 2024)
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