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Thread: Does anybody use a hacksaw any more ?

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Steved53's Avatar
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    Does anybody use a hacksaw any more ?


    I've been watching a lot of videos on here and Youtube. In most of them someone is cutting metal with a cutting disc on an angle grinder. And not very safely in most cases, holding the metal in the hand with no guard on the grinder.

    My main question... Deosn't anyone use a hacksaw any more ? It's not hard, safer, quieter and doesn't produce abrasive dust all over your workshop.

    Perhaps I'm out of date, I learned engineering before there were so many cheap grinders about. We learned how to use a hacksaw and files.


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    greyhoundollie (Jan 30, 2020)

  3. #2
    Supporting Member olderdan's Avatar
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    Good point Steve, I have 3 hacksaws and two junior ones for small items and harder metals and use them a lot. Often just a quick and usually more accurate, in my apprentice days someone stopped me and said “if a hacksaw was meant to be used like that the blade would only be 4 inches long, think about it”. Before building a hacksaw machine I had no option but to cut all my stock by hand. I could go non stop for 30 mins at a steady pace.

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  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to olderdan For This Useful Post:

    greyhoundollie (Jan 30, 2020), Steved53 (Feb 7, 2019)

  5. #3
    Supporting Member
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    Hack saws are good. Porta bandsaws are really good too. Sometimes you cant get the prota band in close where you need it. Enter the hack saw. Sometimes reversing the direction of the blade helps. Turning the blade 90 degrees is useful too. If I could only have one of them on a desert island I would have the hacksaw. Then I would not have to some how invent a generator to run the portaband.

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