Hi! Just joined because this sight looks like it could be very useful for me and my boyfriend. Nightly, we talk about and scribble down our ideas of how to make something better, easier, smaller, more efficient and so on. He's the visionary, coming up with ways to combine multiple ideas into one for convenience, time and space. His pet project is a transforming vehicle. I'm the researcher, looking to see what's already been done and or if anyone has come up with something even better than what we've brainstormed. We are both decendants of highly intelligent inventors/engineers so thinking outside the box comes naturally.
We recently bought a 78' Dodge truck that needs a little tlc, but once the basic fixes are complete the plan is to make modifications to turn it into an mobile studio and home and start travelling. We're artists, which means we both have an extensive bank of knowledge as we've both spent our lives doing all types of work to supplement our art. It also means we're poor since much of our earnings go into our work but, I find lack of funds is a great motivator for innovation.
We have lots that we need to do, and more that we want to do so this sight should be quite helpful for working out the kinks of all the things that we've come up with that others may have already done so as not to waste our time and money and to share our ideas for things others haven't yet, that could hopefully help others in the same way.
Every day one of us utters the words, "this would be so much easier if..." and then the ideas start flowing. I can't wait to explore what others have to offer and share what we do.