Hi folks. Firstly, the 'username' No, I do not have a flabby rear end as could be suggested by the bootie bit. Bootie or 'A Bootie' is UK Military speak for Bootneck or Royal Marine and due to assorted bumps and scrapes I now walk (when possible) with a wobble.

I live in a semi rural part of Dorset on the South Coast of the UK and I'm a former Bootie (Med Discharge after the best 16 years of my life) with a somewhat dark and twisted sense of humour.

I have a passion for making Rocking Horses and when the inclination takes me Wood Turning. Believe me, with very little effort, I can turn the most beautiful piece of stunningly figured exotic wood into very posh Hamster bedding in a matter of minuets. Okay that's that bit out of the way.

My shed, or shop to our Colonial cousins across the pond, is a sectional concrete double garage at the bottom of the garden, insulated and boarded with plumbed in Internet, Power, Light and Air. I am fighting a continual (losing) battle with SWMBO and my eldest for space for gardening stuff and conversion to a light engineering/garage set-up respectively (any and all sympathy gratefully accepted).

As with practically all normal folks money is tight so I'm always on the lookout for stuff to be restored or turned into tools, jigs, and anything useful.

Other interests are DIY CNC and Fusion 360, oh not forgetting Beer, music and hunting small furry critters with air powered weapons!!

Right, this is starting to look like the preface to a rather boring novel so I'll wind my neck in and delve into the site.
