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Thread: Lathe accident (please activate subtitles)

  1. #21
    WmRMeyers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by machining 4 all View Post
    Common sense for what?

    I believe you have just proved my point.


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  2. #22
    Supporting Member machining 4 all's Avatar
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    machining 4 all's Tools
    Floradawg is right: "Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed..."

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  3. #23
    WmRMeyers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by machining 4 all View Post
    Floradawg is right: "Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed..."
    And somebody in that video got a bunch of non-fatal experience! Some of the folks who saw it probably learned a few things, too. Intelligence is that which allows you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. Wisdom is learning from the mistakes of others.

  4. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank S View Post
    Even many newer lathes do not have a spindle stop brake on them.
    That scar on the guys neck could have been caused by a ribbon chip. Just the other day while hogging off some parts the chip breaker I had on the tool became dislodged and a long ribbon chip began to form. The lathe I was using doesn't have a brake either, normally I can ignore them but running a 0.250" cut 0.025" feed rate @ 1000 RPM. When the insert becomes a little dull or the chip breaker doesn't do its job those ribbons can turn deadly very quick.
    Yes they can. Years ago a high school kid had one skewer up under his chin into his skull. Standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  5. #25
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    What's with the shaper on your p/u tail gate? That is a shaper right?

  6. #26
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbat74 View Post
    That's right, and when we would get a nice tight curled, blue chip, we had a unapproved contest to see who could get the longest one without breaking. But you had to help it and sometimes hold it to keep it from getting under something and break.
    One time I was making a batch of 10 inch diameter 4 grove cable sheaves "pullies' out of UHMW I had ground a cutter to cut all 4 groves at once. Just lock the bore of the 3 inch thick round blank on an arbor and plunge as hard or as fast as you dared while shooting 4 60 to 100 ft long 1/2inch wide streamers all the way across the shop It wasn't uncommon for me to fill a 4 yard dumpster in a single night with swarth from those sheaves. My wife tried to time it so she could bundle up an arm load and drag them out while I was changing out a finished part with a new blank
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  7. #27
    Supporting Member NeiljohnUK's Avatar
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    I have one on my office pin-board (old school tech), as a reminder not to 'look the other way'.

  8. #28
    WmRMeyers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbat74 View Post
    What's with the shaper on your p/u tail gate? That is a shaper right?
    Yes, it's a Lewis shaper. They were sold as kits of castings, and machined by the folks who wanted them between the 1920's and 1957. That photo was taken the day I bought it, as I was getting ready to unload it. It had belonged to our friend Dale Smith, who passed away before he could get it running. My friend Bill Hinkle, who has also passed now, bought it from Dale's wife, and sold it to me for a ridiculously low price, and offered to let me pay for it as I could.

    SWMBO graciously allowed me to steal grocery money to pay for it, and I've been spending much of my spare shop time cleaning it up and collecting stuff to make it run again. Repeatedly interrupted by many and varied events. It had sat outside in the rain for several months when I got it, a year or so after Dale's passing, so needed a lot of work, and I didn't have a lot of time or money to spend on it.

    A bit over a year (maybe 2) ago, I found a commercial 3phase 1/2HP gearmotor for it, got a matching VFD from Ebay, and got the motor running. I've been trying to get the motor mount arranged for quite some time. I had once fired it up with a normal 1725rpm 1ph motor and pulley system, and it worked but the (I thought) heavy-duty file cabinet I was going to use for a stand turned out to be a LOT more flexible than I thought. So it went back on a welded angle-iron frame I'd gotten with a band saw I bought. The new motor mount spent about 2 years clamped in place with a set of visegrips.

    I've been refurbishing the original motor mount stuff & countershaft stuff I got with it. I made it a new countershaft, but now I'm searching the shop for the arbor that shaft goes in. It needs new bearings. So I'm sort of stuck until I find that. Bill H. had a Lewis shaper also, and I have photos of how his was set up. I'm going for something more like his was than what mine had when I got it. It's going to need some more rust removal, and some bits and pieces rebuilt. I'm hoping to have it finished by the time school lets out. Which I found out yesterday is late next week. So I also need to work on the shop more and get a couple more machines placed where I can use them so I have access to lathes and such this summer.

    Last edited by WmRMeyers; May 7, 2021 at 04:22 PM.

  9. #29
    Supporting Member marksbug's Avatar
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    Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed.....yes I stole that little tid bit....but oh so true.

  10. #30
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    Sounds like a good project Wm. But long. Keep after it and U will love the outcome.

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