Hello! I'm new to this site. I was searching over the internet to find information on plans to build machines and came across this site. I have found some information for the type of machine that I will be making. The machine I propose to build must be cheap to build, functional, safe to operate and easy to maintain.
I will be posting my research and my ideas here for everyone to use and to cooperate with more ideas. Thanks in advance for any support on your part.

The reason I want to build the threading machine is that it will be used to cut the threads for leading screws. As you know, leading screws are not cheap and I need to be able to produce the lengths required for my projects. Silver steel is readily available everywhere from mechanics shops. I will use the rods of the shock absorbers to make shafts and to test the machine later on, by cutting threads into them.

The leading screws can be used later in my CNC machines. By the way, I just want to share this information for those who can make use of it.