Frank's post about his knot untier reminded me of the marlinspike I made years ago. It's the tool sailors use to loosen stubborn knots that have been pulled tight by wind or weather. It's dead simple to make - a length of 3/8" brass (to resist corrosion) rounded at one end (because the palm presses on this end to force the taper through the knot) and a long, gradual taper on the business end with a dull point that won't separate rope strands easily.
A lanyard is essential so I went all nautical and included a bit of fancy knotting in mine...
The lanyard is not just for appearance. Passing the marlinspike through the small loop in the lanyard creates a closed loop handle. With the hand passed through this loop so the lanyard lies on the back of the palm, the spike can be suspended from the hand when the fingers are needed to massage the knot yet the spike is immediately to hand when needed next; no laying down and picking up required and the spike can't be easily dropped when working above in the rigging.
BTW, it's called a marlinspike because it looks a bit like the long needle-like spike on the marlin fish.
Now, if you're going to make a marlinspike you need to know something about knots. The bible for this subject is The Ashley Book of Knots by Clifford W. Ashley. Highly recommended as both an historical, application and how-to reference.
For an online compendium of knots for many fields of endeavor I recommend ANIMATED KNOTS BY GROG...
Animated Knots by Grog | How to Tie Knots | Fishing, Boating, Climbing, Scouting, Search and Rescue, Household, Decorative, Rope Care,
A major feature of this site is the fact that it has very clear, step-by-step stop-action videos that will show you exactly how to tie every knot. Beyond the essential bowline, sheet bend and constrictor, take a look at the surgical knots; I've found numerous shop uses for those.
You can also impress the little lady by learning napkin folding, even learn a new necktie knot (haven't worn one of those in years)..
On the subject of knot resources, if you have shoe laces that simply won't stay tied, wander over to Ian's Shoelace Site...
and learn to tie the Surgeon's Shoelace Knot...