We've recently added a bunch of new threads to our Must Read subforum, which contains our best homemade tool builds. Currently we're doing this by extracting from our database all of the posts that have 5 or more "Thanks" votes, and then manually reviewing those, so we get a combination of crowdsourced and admin-reviewed curation.

While we have a weekly Homemade Tool of the Week contest winner, it's also important to recognize those who start many much-thanked discussions.

This new batch of Must Read threads has garnered two new award winners. Congratulations to Paul Jones, our new winner of the 25-Time Must Read Discussion award. And congratulations to Frank S, our new winner of the 10-Time Must Read Discussion award.

You'll see a new award icon in the postbits of Paul Jones and Frank S, underneath their avatars. These small graphics symbolize a big recognition: the hard-earned respect of your peers and fellow builders.

Here are the current counts from the database of usernames and total number of threads in the Must Read subforum, for everyone who has 5 or more threads in the Must Read subforum. Current winners of both the 10-Time and 25-Time Must Read Discussion award are mklotz and Paul Jones. Current winners of the 10-Time Must Read Discussion award are rgsparber, Christophe Mineau, rossbotics, astroracer, MetalDesigner, and Frank S.

| postusername       | count |
| mklotz             |    33 |
| Paul Jones         |    27 |
| rgsparber          |    18 |
| Christophe Mineau  |    17 |
| rossbotics         |    16 |
| astroracer         |    12 |
| MetalDesigner      |    11 |
| Frank S            |    10 |
| Vyacheslav.Nevolya |     9 |
| kess               |     8 |
| Brendon            |     8 |
| Captainleeward     |     7 |
| jjr2001            |     7 |
| hardtail69         |     7 |
| scorch             |     6 |
| mr95gst            |     6 |
| Imabass            |     5 |
| Metaler            |     5 |
| morsa              |     5 |
| olderdan           |     5 |
| machiningfool      |     5 |
If you want to nominate a thread to be moved into the Must Read subforum, simply click the "Thanks" icon in the lower left-hand corner of a post, and the most-thanked posts will be easy for us to review.

All award winners are listed here: Homemade Tools Forum - Awards