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Thread: Portable Bandsaw Vertical Bracket

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    Machine_Punk's Tools

    Portable Bandsaw Vertical Bracket

    I really like the Milwaukee variable-speed, deep-cut, portable band saw. It is very flexible for cutting metal wherever you need it. Sometimes, however, I wish I could just use it as a vertical band saw. That is why I created this bracket. I have plans for a 'fancy' base for this saw eventually, but this bracket meets the need for now and it didn't take very long to build. The aluminum table I fabbed up is definitely still in the 'prototype' phase...

    I was originally going to drill three holes into my regular workbench to mount this bracket, but decided I liked the height and flexibility of mounting it in my folding work table.

    I use the Harbor Freight foot switches with this saw in the vertical configuration. You see it on the table here, but I usually leave it on the ground. I keep the power switch depressed with a Velcro strap, like you use to bundle cables. HF has two different switches, the momentary and the latching. I usually use the latching in with this saw, so one tap of the foot switch turns the saw on and one turns it off.


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    Kev / Machine_Punk works out of The Aerodrome Studio, where he builds projects inspired by aeroplanes

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  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Machine_Punk For This Useful Post:

    Cogslayer (Sep 7, 2016), Jon (Jan 2, 2013), kbalch (Jan 2, 2013)

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    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Thanks Machine_Punk! This has been added to our Metal Bandsaws category, and to your new homemade tools page: Machine_Punk's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

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  4. #3
    drum365's Avatar
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    It appears as though you've attached a metal table to the "guide bar" (or whatever that finger-like extension is called) and then suspended the whole machine from that table. Is that right?

    I've been wanting to make a mount for my portable band saw, been trying to think of ways of attaching various metal or wooden frame members to the band saw's case somehow. Never thought of taking this approach - genius!. But does it seem sturdy enough? No wobbles or flexing?

    Thanks for sharing!

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