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Thread: $7 Smart Component Tester (LCR-T4 M328)

  1. #11
    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    mklotz's Tools
    My tester arrived from Amazon a few days ago. Assembly was straightforward though one end of the plastic case won't fit without putting a lot of stress on the display cable. I solved that problem by not installing that part; doesn't affect performance and provides better ventilation of the electronics, though they certainly don't need it.

    If you're an electronics dabbler this thing is just downright KEWL.

    I pulled what I thought was a 100 pf cap out of my collection, plugged it in, and discovered it was a mini inductor. I have a lot of reclaimed components and this sort of misclassification is bound to happen but the tester will set me straight.

    It produced believable values on a host of other components I tried. I had a few precision resistors so was able to test accuracy a bit and it was spot on on those.

    I love it.

    186 More Best Homemade Tools eBook
    Regards, Marv

    Experience is always far worse than pessimism

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mklotz For This Useful Post:

    baja (Jan 6, 2020), tsbrownie (Jan 5, 2020)

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