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Thread: 1927 hydrogen cyanide preparation cigarette smoking advice - image

  1. #1
    Jon is offline Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    1927 hydrogen cyanide preparation cigarette smoking advice - image

    1927 hydrogen cyanide preparation, with a rare advisory to smoke cigarettes during the procedure, as a warning of leaky apparatus.


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  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jon For This Useful Post:

    baja (Apr 18, 2019), Seedtick (Apr 17, 2019)

  3. #2
    Supporting Member bruce.desertrat's Avatar
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    Uhh nope!!!

    That said I've had my fair share of 'Fun with Faulty Hoods' back in my days as a working chemist.

    One time I was doing a big Soxhlet extraction with about a liter or so of ether, very carefully, had the hood almost closed, wearing a respirator. Unbeknownst to me the weather that day was weird, and the hood exhaust was being blown directly into the air intake for the building. I was fine, everyone else was getting mildly stoned on ether...

    Another time, my boss was working with a selenium compound that carried a BIG warning about 'EXTREME STENCH! Characteristic odor of rotting radishes.' (pretty sure it was this one ) similar to my experience (this was in a different facility) the wind that day drove the exhaust from our hood right inot the building air intake.

    Within minutes everyone was trying to get out of the building while avoiding puking, with varied success. The only reason it was not as bad as it could have been was that he was working after hours, so about 80% of the normal population had gone for the day.

    That was when we discovered that our lab, which was built into an addition to the building, did not have stacks on our hoods that met code; the folks who built it simply used a convenient air exhaust out the side of the building...

    BTW if you're interested or experienced in chemistry or just want to read stories about horrifically reactive chemicals, that 'Things I Won't Work With' blog is a treasure trove of reading, entertaining, understandably written, and quite informative. Look up the entry on FOOF some time. (and yes, that is it's chemical formula Difluorodioxide. )

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    Last edited by bruce.desertrat; Apr 17, 2019 at 07:42 PM.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to bruce.desertrat For This Useful Post:

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  5. #3
    Supporting Member jimfols's Avatar
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    Have not smoked for over 40 years, but reading this I do remember the smoke having a distinctive different taste at times.
    Being chemically dysfunctional I never put the two together, but it does bring back memories.

  6. #4
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    Probably the only time when Smoking would be recommended to possibly save your life

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