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Thread: Beeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun

  1. #1
    Supporting Member
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    lazarus's Tools

    Beeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun

    I live on a farm, in the swamp in S.E. Va. Last year the wood boring bees(huge black and yellow ones) decided we were good hosts. This year they came back in hoards. We have had horse flies from day one in the summer cause we have horses. The wood boring bees are very destructive to the roof trusses. They even drill treated wood. I decided it was time to do something about them as the traps don't work very well.
    I have a Beeman Grizzly X2 pellet gun that I bought about 6 years ago at Wally World for $100. It has a .177 bb caliber pellet barrel and a .22 caliber pellet barrel. One allen set screw loosens up and you switch barrels. This would work good on the buggers if it was a shotgun.....
    I had 3 Savage barrel blanks for the model 42 O/U 17 HMR/410. I've taken many squirrels for pot pies with the Beeman with the 22 barrel so this should work if I bore out the rifling from 17 to 22 cal and leave it smooth bore.
    I cut off 5 inches of the fat end of the blank and chucked it up in the lathe. Then I turned it down to fit the barrel block and turned the spout that fits the seal. Then I turned the muzzle end to fit a front sight I had left over from a failed Chinese bb gun experiment(I'll never tell).Beeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part_1465767509541.jpg
    Next step was drilling the locking/aligning dent in the side.
    I put an "O" ring in the barrel block and squeezed it tight and marked the barrel for the lock dent and pulled it out and drilled the dent.
    Next I bought a 16" drill bit from victor machinery for about $9.00 and drilled out the barrel. The bit is (I believe) .2184 and left me room to polish the bore.
    Next step was chambering it. I wasn't worried about the shell casing sealing as there are 2 O-rings to take care of that. I drilled it with a C bit to depth in the lathe and the barrel was done.Beeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part_1465767455942.jpg
    Time to make some shells and try it. I took a box of 22wmr empty cases(finally found a use for them) and drilled the back out with a center drill to get a flow channel. Coffee can plastic lids are the under and over shot wads and a 1/8" felt under shot wad seals the barrel. I use #9 shot and only use a 22lr case for a measure. 30 pellets per round.Beeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part951465767616173.jpgBeeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part_1465767663300.jpgBeeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part_1465767712462.jpgBeeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part_1465767572299.jpg. The third pic is a slug(22 cal pellet).

    These destroy the big bees with the shot. No special reloading equipment needed. Here's the gun and a coffee can it was tested on.Beeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part951465767371706.jpgBeeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part_1465767412989.jpgBeeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part951465767755859.jpgBeeman bee/horse fly and nuisance critter gun-part951465767807352.jpgThe 2 big holes were slugs. I have fun with the grand kids with this.


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