Undoubtedly, this little dinghy won't probably win any awards, but it's a pretty cool build because the end product looks like it's giving the builders a lot of satisfaction and smiles. It looks like it can be built in a porch, such is its diminutive size. But for a landlubber like me, it would make a great little runabout for a lake. Maintenance wise, it would be pretty cheap too!

Glen-L Tubby Tug Dinghy by Fred and Jill on on glen-l.com

BoatBuilds.net: Glen-L Tubby Tug Dinghy by Fred and Jill-pic670c4.jpgBoatBuilds.net: Glen-L Tubby Tug Dinghy by Fred and Jill-pic670d4.jpgBoatBuilds.net: Glen-L Tubby Tug Dinghy by Fred and Jill-pic670e3.jpgBoatBuilds.net: Glen-L Tubby Tug Dinghy by Fred and Jill-pic670f1.jpg

Glen-L Tubby Tug Dinghy by Fred and Jill on on glen-l.com

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