I am just the average DIYer. No project is too big or too small for me to DIY. I like to build motorcycles, tools, farm equipment, etc. It is always more gratifying to build something yourself. I have a decent selection of metal working tools. I am an accountant but also nearly completed my mechanic engineering degree as well. Growing up my father only hired a repairman to do HVAC work and everything else was always built or repaired in house.

I have learned that sometimes it is better to pay someone to do something that I can DIY so I can focus my time on bigger and more fun projects that will save my thousands instead of dollars. Mounting car/truck/tractor tires is the top of that list. I have the tools to DIY and I will DIY when in a jam but if I have the option to pay someone $10 to do it for me I will take that option all day long.