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Thread: Dangerous metalworking factory - GIF

  1. #11
    Supporting Member marksbug's Avatar
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    dam I have a twin!!! ya it aint a lot of fun having crap dug out of your eyes.....but it dont hurt at all and feels oh somuch better when it's gone. mostly it's just in your head that somebody has a grinder in your eye ball grinding away at it.... I have a funny story real quick....I have had cancer and many other things rong with me well all the radaitaition has taken it's toll...along with moron dr's, but now to the story I had to have a mri from my back...they asked if I had any chance of any metal in my eye's....yup 100% chance I had to get ex-rays of my eyes too see if any were still in there( if so no mri) so I go get the xrays...they take whats called a waters view a few diferent positions to be sure....well they come back in and do it over........then come back in to do them over again....I ask whats going on.they say the xrays are not comming out right.... so I ask whats rong with them? and ask to see them and the raidioligest.... the radioligest come in ..looks at me...and ask me if I am blind...yes blind not blond.... I inform her my eyes are better than perfect!!! ( well they were back then) then she looks into my she then shows me the xrays... and showes me the big chunks of metal in my eyes, yes big chunks almost 3/8"!!! in both eyes!!!! I look at them..I look at her.then i ask where the radiologist is.. thats me!!! she exclaims...oh ****. hear it comes.... where the hell did you get your schooling those are the effing fillings in my TEETH!!!! ( waters view= like a reflection view in the water...from below your head aiming up)YOU CANT FIX STUPID!!! just another reason I had cancer caused by RADIATION!!!! AND OF COARSE AGENT ORANGE.( WITCH WAS THE DUMP SITE FOR AGENT ORANGE 4 YEARS BEFORE IT WAS A ELEMENTRY SCHOOL& PLAYGROUND I WENT TO SCHOOL AT AND PLAYED IN AS A KID ON OKINAWA, JAPAN, KADENA AFB.... THOSE ARE THE 2 KNOW CAUSES FOR THE CANCERS HAD... YOU CANT FIX STUPID

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  2. #12
    PJs is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruce.desertrat View Post
    A whole lot of folks DIDN'T make it to 85, is what happened.

    Between 1900-1999 the US reduced deaths from unintentional work-related accidents by 90%
    Agreed but sometimes numbers don't tell the whole story for the individuals or their loved ones. Interesting read and was struck by the 80'-95' chart showing Motor vehicle related per 100k was the highest by a large margin followed by workplace homicides 90'-95' and how these would relate to unintentional or safety related¿ Also the numbers/percentages really don't talk about the 3+ fold increase in population nor population density since then. But I agree that overall the workplace is more safety "Conscious"...which is what it's all about in my book.

    Also that first study of Allegheny County is coal country and mining is the most dangerous occupation next to steel work...not sure if it should be included but probably because it was the first study.

    As a safety officer during the Re-Cal OSHA Hey Day (mid 80's), I found them to be much more about conscious thinking than writing unenforceable rules based on a desk jockies thoughts of what safety is and "Should Be". During a clean up campaign I put together for the company, people got that about consciousness being the first order to safety...except one department head I caught standing on a roll around swivel chair trying to change his own florescent a boy Luther! The campaign turn out to be a lot of fun and was a big success and he got the Awe S*** award at the big company dinner afterwards. Don't think he'll ever do that again.


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  3. #13
    Supporting Member Philip Davies's Avatar
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    I cannot wear boots any more.

  4. #14
    Supporting Member blkadder's Avatar
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    Would that church be in Quincy Mass? It looks very familiar.

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