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Thread: Dust Collector for entire garage

  1. #1

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    Dust Collector for entire garage

    Hey guys,
    I found this forum from the homemade tool section. I was looking for some advice to build an inexpensive dust collection/filtration system for the garage in my home. This is a 3 car garage but I am doing all of my work on the single car side of the garage. I have an old car that I am restoring so I kick up alot of dust from grinding, striping paint and knocking off rust from the sheetmetal.

    I found this guy's website searching Google and think he has a great idea that would work well for me. Unfortunately I can't seem to find the link to the site anymore. Here are some similar ideas on Youtube:

    I am looking for opinions and advice.

    I was going to use a "Whole house fan" from Home depot but this are $150+ each. I considered an attic fan but those are also pretty expensive.

    What type of fan do you suggest I use that can help me collect the dust in my garage while I work for less than $100?

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  2. #2

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    David J. Gingery Publishing has a book on building any type of fan you could imagine. Dave's gone but his genius lives on!

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  3. #3

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    im in about the same place. i bought a cloths dayer on craigs list for $15 and plan to use the blower and motor to build my dust collector. not sure it would cover a whole house but consider a furnace bllower, they are surely powerful enough,

  4. #4
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    Here's an entry for a homemade blower that's used in a dust collection system - Homemade Dust Collector Blower


  5. #5

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    Cheap and quick: use a blower from an A/C or central heat and air unit.

    I am looking for opinions and advice.

    I was going to use a "Whole house fan" from Home depot but this are $150+ each. I considered an attic fan but those are also pretty expensive.

    What type of fan do you suggest I use that can help me collect the dust in my garage while I work for less than $100?[/QUOTE]

    I would simply go to your local A/C (I am in Florida) or central heat and air guy and ask for one. Probably free. You can even put it outside the garage and create simple ductwork; or, keep it inside, run through filters and conserve heat.

    Ken (Rustic Woodcrafter)

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