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Thread: Fan cooled dummy load

  1. #11
    Supporting Member chy_farm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJs View Post
    Nice build Sir! I'd like to know more of how this is used in a detector circuit if you are willing. 3kw seems quite high for a system like that. Also what kind of oil are you using?
    Thank you very much Sir, PJs or Mr. wizard. I love to see your avatar which reminds me of an American novelist Ursula Kroeber Le Guin and her work 'A Wizard of Earthsea'.

    As far the oil, I used seed oil for environmental purposes, but it was only for my personal use. In fact I put a caution note at the cover telling 'Use qualified transformer oil'.
    The purpose was to know how electromagnetic waves e.g. one from electric blanket gives influences to human body. For example the commercial power line emits electromagnetic waves, 50Hz or 60Hz here, and this wave gives electric vibration to our body. We can detect this influence when we see our body with a precision current detector and oscilloscope connected to it.

    After giving such external loads to the body, can we see any evidence of medical stresses in body? that was our study. I knew that sort of this study was done some decades before we have tried, but the method of ours was a tad different to the past examples. We tried to detect the body in a holistic manner, by detecting the subtle signals given from many and specific spots on the skin of the body.

    Glad to know you were interested in this, thanks.

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  2. #12
    PJs is offline
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    Thank you for the quick response, Chy. Glad you enjoy my avatar and appreciate the reference to 'A Wizard of Earthsea', which may have a somewhat personal correlation to Ged's journey or perhaps Perceval...I get confused sometimes with CRS (can't remember stuff). The avatar goes way back for me (5+ decades) and forward to now in that I use the words, "Engineer by Trade, Alchemist at heart" when ask to describe myself...with no dichotomy, in my mind anyway, about it.

    I found it interesting that your system used oil cooling (high end & efficient) and just curious about the type. It's well thought out & shop built with cheap and cheerful components. A good fit for HMT, IMHO. Your use of seed oil instead of Xformer oil is an inexpensive, handy and smart choice!

    A very interesting experiment and assume you used some sort of GSR's to measure responses. By your words I take it you wrote some sort of paper on it? I also take for granted that the dummy load was for the controlling the source. When I first saw your post I thought it might be for Off Grid dummy loads, which I am also interested in pursuing some regenerative system for them. Then I saw your second post below and was intrigued even more.

    I have been interested in lots of testing protocols and efficacy testing around this and many other things, like Red/blue light (405nm) retinal stimulation, sound stimulation (VLF to 600khz) and pulse magnetic wave generators. Even had a conversation with Dr. Emoto and his son at a conference in SF a year or so after his book came out, about such things. Basically I am pretty eclectic in my pursuits and always look for that balance in science and alchemy toward some truth.

    Thank you for the great post's so far...I now want an expansion chamber on my chainsaw! Keep em coming.


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    Last edited by PJs; Apr 10, 2018 at 11:19 PM. Reason: flavor
    ‘‘Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.’’
    Mark Twain

  3. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to PJs For This Useful Post:

    chy_farm (Apr 11, 2018), mwmkravchenko (Apr 11, 2018), Paul Jones (Apr 11, 2018)

  4. #13
    Supporting Member chy_farm's Avatar
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    Good morning PJs, thank you for a lot of nice words. And sorry for my misunderstanding your avator as an wizard but is an alchemist to who I pay more of my respects! Also I found a nice phrase in your comment too, 'no dichotomy'. It's a part of my philosophy when I try to see a phenomenon which I did not ever see before. When I stick to dichotomy I know I will loose a chance to see a new thing to come.

    Yes I tried for a pater on this experiment but was not able to do,cause the results were not so remarkable as I had have been thinking of, in that short period of observation on my labo. Perhaps I needed more time to see, e.g. for a week or for a monthe or some more... since the homeostasis working under our skin most always exerts a lot of patience to the disterbances/noises from the outer cercumstances.Not yet gave up this project, better will restart again with another concepts someday.

    Very small light stimulation to our skin, and some sound stimulation are also fun subjects to me. Learned some about these at our society where they talk on co-relations of colors and medicines but yet not fully adopted what they talk cause something are beyond my knowledge, lol.

    Things about ultra small magnetic field are fun to me too, only a couple of evidences was obtained in our past examination that our skin emits some very small magnetic signals when it got affected from outside. But this signal is very very small as to we have to use a superconducting facility to detect decent amount of signals. Wanting to use that facility and filled application but not yet came true.

    Thank you again for your interests and time for this.

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  6. #14
    PJs is offline
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    Hello Chy,

    Sorry my response is late, I've been busy on another project. Technically my avatar is a wizard but I consider some wizards as alchemist, and it is long ingrained in me from my studies and esoteric practices.

    I have for many years kept log books of experiments and builds to document what i have done, whether a basis for idea generation or procedures. Sometimes they may lead to a paper, most times not but always a good reference. Whether something works well, marginally or fails, it is still a good reference in my opinion. Experiments like these take time to flesh out and may even lead to a different path or something new all together. Your cooler re-inspired me about a regenerative capture system for the Off the grid and the wasteful Dummy loads they use...perhaps into a small radiant heater or Geothermal pile of some type.

    GSR's and associated equipment are very sensitive to spurious emissions and can see why you had some difficulties. Perhaps an idea will strike a chord and you can try it again.

    I was inspired by a white paper I read years ago on a study by a group in Japan on colored light retinal stimulation. Very thorough and good conclusions. That study inspired the 405nm blue light for me and modified some sun glasses with surface mount LED on a flexible PWA and drove them with binaural beats in the 4hz to 80hz range. With the eyes closed, the eyes and brain pick up the Delta, Theta and Alpha signals through the eyelids...creating relaxation or creative stimulation, just as they do with binaural sound. No published paper but it was documented and tested with various people but not a large sample and semi rudimentary protocols. Personally I think this tool could be used with ADHD and all its derivatives as well as PTSD and find some success at reducing these "Diagnoses". Perhaps in the future someone with Bucks will do it properly.

    Thanks Again,

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