Here's my little desktop cnc i built a few years back.
I was on a fairly tight budget so it had be cheap but also reasonably rigid as i wanted to machine aluminium.
Frame is recycled 32mm square steel tubing with the gantry a piece of scrap rectangular alloy tube from the boatbuilders (the guys there are awesome, they let me scrounge through their alloy scrap bin for nix! always pickup nice slabs of alloy from 8mm thick up to 25mm thick and everywhere in between with different types of tube as well)
Stepper motors also recycled from old commercial photocopiers.
the linear rails are cheapo sbr12 fully supported rails from ebay (looking to upgrade to hiwin style in the future, these rails are quite sloppy and require constant adjustment )
Router is an Ozito 850w from bunnings, nice and cheap at $60.
Control box is an old pc case gutted and modified with homemade 48v linear power supply, SuperPID router controller, and THB6064AH stepper driver kits from here - THB6064 MassMind Stepper Motor Driver Kit
There have been quite a few upgrades and changes since its birth like the table got changed from the mdf to 10mm aluminium plate with a grid of M5 threaded holes for spoilboard and hold down fixings.
Also have rigged up an enclosure around the machine to contain the dust and chips.
I did make a vacuum attachment for the router but bristles started falling out and i haven't gotten around to fixing it.
This machine has had quite a lot of use with mach3 logging 271 operating hours since the pc was last rebuilt about 10 months ago with at least that again with the last pc.
I'm quite happy with how it performs, I've learnt its limitations and can generally get repeatability around 0.1mm which i hope to better when i change out the sbr rails to something better.
Hope you enjoy