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Thread: homemade tools

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2015
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    homemade tools

    hi I am looking for plans to build a power hammer I have most of the parts together I have all of the steel and I still need an electric motor 3/4 to 1 hp and a set of drawings any help would be great thank you

    2,000+ Tool Plans

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2015
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    It might be helpful if you let us know what style of hammer you might be thinking of. There are spring arm hammers similar to the Little Giant, helve hammers, strap hammers, compressor hammers, motorized treadle hammers, etc. Other information may be helpful as well such as the weight of the hammer action, what your end use will be (knife making, steel decorative work, etc.) Many styles of hammers could be built but there are a lot of variables. Help us out here.

    2,000+ Tool Plans

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