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Thread: KNIFE MAKING | Mad Max knife (build request)

  1. #1
    Supporting Member AB-SHOP's Avatar
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    AB-SHOP's Tools

    KNIFE MAKING | Mad Max knife (build request)

    G'day everyone and welcome back, this time I built a knife Mad Max Style using my Sieg SX3L milling machine and my Colchester Bantam Lathe, a different project than usual, that come from a friend that asked me a special knife for his representation!
    There’s an empty shell inside the handle, because I thought a sort of last chance or a special bullet; obviously in a context of pure fantasy, like the Mad Max fury film.
    Hope you’ll enjoy the video and you will SUBSCRIBE too, also a knife can be make by our machines!


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  2. #2
    Content Editor
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    Thanks AB-SHOP! We've added your Knife to our Knife Making category,
    as well as to your builder page: AB-SHOP's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

    tags: knife

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