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Thread: Magnets around the shop.

  1. #1
    Supporting Member astroracer's Avatar
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    astroracer's Tools

    Magnets around the shop.

    I use a lot of these little magnets around the shop.

    Pick them up on sale most anywhere.
    I use them a lot for hanging stuff on equipment.
    Swarf Brushes on the lathes and mill hang nicely on these cup hook style

    And I make my own hangers out of cut down picture hanging hooks and some hot glue.

    The nice thing is these will come off at any time if they are in the way.


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  2. #2
    Supporting Member astroracer's Avatar
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    astroracer's Tools
    I have also been using these magnetic tool holder trays from Harbor Freight.

    The magnets work both ways. In the pic you can see the most used allen keys hanging right to hand on the holder.
    I also have one of the small ceramic magnets stuck on the back side of the tail stock. The drill chuck key hangs on there pretty tightly. It hasn't ever fallen off and I never lose it in the chip pan so it works pretty well.

    It's on the down side side of the tailstock and is out of the way.


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  4. #3
    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    mklotz's Tools
    A big magnet, housed in a zip-closure plastic sandwich bag and placed near the lathe tool, will catch a lot of that fine dust when turning cast iron. When done, working over the trash can, carefully remove the magnet from the bag and the dust will fall away.

    Put a magnet in your shirt pocket or apron pocket. Now you can stick nails, screws, etc. to the magnet and they will be easily accessible when you're working on a ladder or in some awkward location behind a cupboard, etc. A variant of this involves gluing a magnet to an old watch band or one of those stretchy wrist things and wearing the magnet pincushion on your wrist. I prefer the pocket magnet.
    Last edited by mklotz; Apr 8, 2016 at 09:30 AM.
    Regards, Marv

    Failure is just success in progress
    That looks about right - Mediocrates

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  6. #4
    Supporting Member Ed ke6bnl's Avatar
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    Ed ke6bnl's Tools
    why isn't that chuck key stuck to magnet or a magnet glued to the key. I did put a strong magnet on the side of the drill press that I just set the key against to hold it. fun to see what other ideas people come up with. I have a small magnet on the nut adjacent to the locking lever for the quill lock on the Bridgeport mill, holds it up and out of the way. someone is selling this set up on ebay for something like $9
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  7. #5
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    Thanks astroracer! We've added your Magnetic Hanger to our Storage and Organization category,
    as well as to your builder page: astroracer's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

    New plans added on 02/10/2025: Click here for 2,746 plans for homemade tools.

  8. #6
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    Thanks astroracer! We've added your Chuck Key Holder to our Storage and Organization category,
    as well as to your builder page: astroracer's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

    2,500+ Tool Plans
    New plans added on 02/10/2025: Click here for 2,746 plans for homemade tools.

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