Measuring area using a planimeter.
Rotomatic measuring tool for blind people - photo and video
Leaf area measuring device - GIF
Digital tape measure - GIF
Measuring area using a planimeter.
Rotomatic measuring tool for blind people - photo and video
Leaf area measuring device - GIF
Digital tape measure - GIF
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If you're ever out in the jungle without your planimeter and urgently need to calculate the area of something, remember that you can always use your pocket knife as a planimeter. Instructions on how to do it here...
At the end of the above article is a reference to...
Prytz Planimeters
which describes the process of making a "hatchet" planimeter from a bent rod.
I've tried both the pocket knife and a "hatchet" made from coat hanger wire and they both work well if one exercises a bit of care in the tracing.
Regards, Marv
Experience is always far worse than pessimism
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