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Thread: Muriatic Acid - sealed, in a bag, in a steel drawer - looks like rust under the bag!?

  1. #21
    Supporting Member jdurand's Avatar
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    jdurand's Tools
    Where I used to work I kept having to harass people about storing random bottles of acids, bases, solvents, etc. IN the emergency showers. But they're a handy storage place!

    I also reported one shower that had a PVC pipe coming out one wall and going into the other right at hand-holding height. The pipe carried waste cyanide mixtures. It seemed to me to be unwise having that there.

    It's so much fun having an office under an industrial chemistry area, my boss arrived one day to find something dripping from the ceiling through a hole in his desk to the floor. The hole was new.

    I was also sitting at my desk one day and saw people run by (our work area door had a window in it) with Scott air packs on. I suggested to my assistant that we take a break outside for a while, at least until whatever it was got cleaned up.

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  2. #22
    Supporting Member CharlesWaugh's Avatar
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    Boring, OR
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    CharlesWaugh's Tools
    Oh, ****.
    I'm glad I learned this by reading, not by direct experience.

    T H A N K Y O U !

    I will segregate and put 'em in trays.

    Again, thank you!

    2,500+ Tool Plans
    Charles Waugh
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