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Thread: NASA renaming cosmic objects for woke movement - image

  1. #1
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    NASA renaming cosmic objects for woke movement - image

    Now NASA too? The Eskimo Nebula and the Siamese Twins Galaxy are the first to be de-named. Eskimo means "a person who laces a snowshoe". Siamese Twins is a reference to the famous Siamese-American conjoined twins Chang and Eng Bunker.

    Distant cosmic objects such as planets, galaxies, and nebulae are sometimes referred to by the scientific community with unofficial nicknames. As the scientific community works to identify and address systemic discrimination and inequality in all aspects of the field, it has become clear that certain cosmic nicknames are not only insensitive, but can be actively harmful. NASA is examining its use of unofficial terminology for cosmic objects as part of its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.



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  3. #2
    Supporting Member desbromilow's Avatar
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    does this mean black holes will be renamed to something else?

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  4. #3
    Claudio HG's Avatar
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    Sorry, I think this is a creazy circus. Not to be unrespectful of people. This is a distortion of general, common names seeing them as something they never was meant for. Let's start with black. First and foremost it is a color, not one of many kind of humans. Also names (nouns, adjectives, etc.) may change their meaning by changing the context in which they are used. So please stop this creazy circus.

  5. #4
    Supporting Member desbromilow's Avatar
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    Whilst I couldn't agree more that we're living in "interesting times", I know there has always been people looking for offense... it just seems now their voices are much louder, and their reach is considerably longer than it used to be.
    I read 1984 when I was young, and watched many british shows which introduced me to the use of twisting language to suit agendas. As fast as we talk about critical thinking, there is a concerted effort to only apply it on "approved causes"

    Only another 50 odd years on this planet and I'll get my pass to leave. hopefully I can bite my tongue that long.

    Quote Originally Posted by Claudio HG View Post
    Sorry, I think this is a creazy circus. Not to be unrespectful of people. This is a distortion of general, common names seeing them as something they never was meant for. Let's start with black. First and foremost it is a color, not one of many kind of humans. Also names (nouns, adjectives, etc.) may change their meaning by changing the context in which they are used. So please stop this creazy circus.

  6. #5
    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    The idiocy is not new.

    George V renamed the House of Saxe-Coburg to Windsor in order to erase their Germanic connection.

    German shepherd dogs suddenly became Alsatians for similar reasons.

    During the wars classical music written by Germans, eg Beethoven, wasn't performed despite the fact that the composers had died long before.

    The dumbing down of the species is moving along smoothly.
    Regards, Marv

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    That looks about right - Mediocrates

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  8. #6
    Supporting Member Crusty's Avatar
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    I think the greatest spin nation there's ever been is Austria, that managed to make the world think that Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German, while the opposite is true.

    I think the B movie The Idiocracy, where a pair of contemporary teen slackers is propelled to a future in which they're considered god-like geniuses, is prophetic.
    If you can't make it precise make it adjustable.

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  10. #7
    Supporting Member Scotsman Hosie's Avatar
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    I guess this means they'll be renaming Uranus? That will be a whole stack of puns — shot in the butt.

  11. #8
    Supporting Member Crusty's Avatar
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    Whatever are they going to call Black Holes if it isn't allowed to acknowledge factual description because someone doesn't like it? Absence of Visible Emissivity Orifices? I don't think a society of morons can cope with that moniker.

    If one insists on viewing things from an Earth centric viewpoint does that make him (or her) a Terraist?
    If you can't make it precise make it adjustable.

  12. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Crusty For This Useful Post:

    baja (Aug 11, 2020), blkadder (Aug 15, 2020), HobieDave (Apr 21, 2021), jdurand (Aug 11, 2020), Jon (Aug 11, 2020), Marnat3 (Aug 15, 2020), Scotsman Hosie (Aug 11, 2020)

  13. #9
    Supporting Member Scotsman Hosie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crusty View Post
    ...If one insists on viewing things from an Earth centric viewpoint does that make him (or her) a Terraist?
    You win the internet today — with that one Crusty.

  14. #10
    Supporting Member Crusty's Avatar
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    I do what I can, sometimes with good results and other times not so much.
    If you can't make it precise make it adjustable.

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