Everyone who knows me understands my obsession for properly installing seals. By always using an install tool and never just banging them in hoping not to damage them.
I come by my OTAD (obsessive tool acquisition disorder) honestly though. You see I literally started mechanicing before I was old enough to walk.
My dad would take me to the garage where he worked lay a furniture comforter on the floor and place me in the middle of it. For toys he would drop a few wrenches and small car parts on the blanket like a distributor or a carburetor for me to play with. I imagine that some huffy puffy woman from CPS would have a stroke to see someone treating an infant like that today.
I didn't start learning to be a Blacksmith or welder until I was 11 and bought my first Lathe when I was 14
Today in finishing up so work on my friend's Mack I had noticed the pinion shaft seal was beginning to seep a little so off comes the drive shaft and yolk so I could check the bearing for looseness then in goes a new seal and everything tightened up
TO install the seal I needed yet another seal install tool to be added to the dozens I already have which none of them were the correct size
As with many of these install tools I might only use them once or I might need to use them again and again Who knows.
For this one again I took the simplistic approach by locating a short piece of pipe near to the correct size, squared the ends on the lathe, then split a piece of 4" exhaust pipe and removed about 1 1/4" from it, rolled it into a tighter cylinder and pressed it inside of the heavier pipe then turned the protruding end to the correct length and tack welded a plat to the opposite end. Simple quick and easy
Then just because I may need these tools again in a 100 years I sprayed a little paint on them to prevent them from being discarded as scrap iron After I forget what they were