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Thread: quick & ugly overhead valve remover tool

  1. #1
    Supporting Member sossol's Avatar
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    sossol's Tools

    quick & ugly overhead valve remover tool

    Made from the drive gear of a Whirlpool washing machine. I just cut a hole big enough to reach the retainer collets with a magnetized screwdriver. The spring retainers perfectly fit inside one end, the C-clamp nubbin fits the other almost as well. The other part is the agitator pinion from the same washing machine.
    It isn't suitable for installation, but I only needed to dismantle the head anyhow.
    quick & ugly overhead valve remover tool-img_5403.jpg
    quick & ugly overhead valve remover tool-img_5402.jpg quick & ugly overhead valve remover tool-img_5404.jpg
    quick & ugly overhead valve remover tool-img_5397.jpg quick & ugly overhead valve remover tool-img_5398.jpg

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  2. #2
    Content Editor
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    Thanks sossol! We've added your Valve Removal Tool to our Engine category,
    as well as to your builder page: sossol's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

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