Quote Originally Posted by NeiljohnUK View Post
Fine arts and sculpture. H&S doesn't register with them, nor do they have any understanding of lifting equipment use or maintenance, that's somebody elses job...
I'm OK with the ''somebody else's job'' part if they know to leave well enough alone. That's why there is a service directory. With the scale of outdoor art projects, how could it be ignored? Same crowd feels those decorations are infrastructure.
We know, but still........
I'd convene a safety class. Day 1 call a volunteer, stand and project one foot ahead the other. Then I'd produce a bowling ball "At what height would you prefer I drop this on your foot?"
I did use a less drastic version mentoring high school engineering (machining) students.
Subject was clamping work to mill. Demonstrated clearly and verbally how to position stud to apply sufficient pressure, including leverage often. Well, they head for mill tables and start threading fasteners together, straps and step blocks. Most bolts unevenly placed, many bearing on step block........grrrr. I signaled worst offenders over to best (barely) example. "Set your finger on the table, and another this far away" Took lead pencil out of my pocket, laid it over both fingers and pressed in the middle; no reaction. Moved my finger far enough to put majority on his digit and pressed (with a bit more, for insurance, lol).
Instantaneous Ouch and look of surprise!
I'll bet he never forgets.