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Thread: Silicone Bread Pan Braces

  1. #1
    Supporting Member jdurand's Avatar
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    jdurand's Tools

    Silicone Bread Pan Braces

    My wife loves using silicone rubber bread pans except they tend to sag, resulting in a bulge in the loaf.

    So, today she said "I need metal support straps for these pans before the bread goes in." Ok, I had a couple of hours max to come up with something.

    I found a piece of strap slightly longer than I needed so off to the band saw to cut it in half. Banged the first one into a U on an anvil shaped object, checked the fit, more banging and then trimming in the band saw and to the belt sander.

    Wife approves first one, make another.

    Go bang, check, trim, sand, and submit for approval.

    "You have done well, my husband."

    (If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.)

    Silicone Bread Pan Braces-img_20200111_194007.jpg

    Silicone Bread Pan Braces-img_20200111_182527.jpg

    186 More Best Homemade Tools eBook
    Last edited by jdurand; Jan 11, 2020 at 10:01 PM.

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to jdurand For This Useful Post:

    baja (Jan 14, 2020), Beserkleyboy (Jan 13, 2020), NeiljohnUK (Jan 15, 2020), Scotty12 (Jan 13, 2020)

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