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Thread: small car, low height 24", hydraulic scissor lift

  1. #11

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    nixrox, please do a bunch of homework before you build anything.

    Hydraulic systems can be very unsafe and fail at the worst times. As you probably know it's why when working under a car you don't use just a floor jack, you lift with it then use jack stands to make sure the car doesn't come down on you.

    I only mention this so you'll be safe and so if you build a lift you'll include whatever is necessary to be extra safe.

    The last thing any of us want is for something really bad to happen to you.

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  2. #12
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    Thanks for your concern, but I have been working on all kinds of vehicles and aircraft for 50 years - with no accidents yet. I am also ex-military so safety was drilled into my head from day one. I believe that if a project cannot be done safely, then you just do not do it. I am also a quality assurance inspector, so I have witnessed more than my fair share of projects that did not work out very well. If anything, I will probably overbuild this lift just to make sure it does not fail. I will include a mechanical stop to remove the possibility of accidents due to hydraulic failure.

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  3. #13
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    I want to thank those individuals who directed me to several different designs.
    I believe I have enough information now to start fabricating my lift.
    I'll send pictures when it is done.

  4. #14
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Looking forward to those pics!

    I'm curious about the seat you're going to use while working with the lift. Standard rolling seat? I ask because we've seen some interesting ideas here:

    Motorcycle Maintenance Seat by dogmeatk -- Saab seat plus shopping cart base.

    Ultimate Creeper by Mark -- More maneuverable version, with magnetic tool holder on armrest.
    small car, low height 24", hydraulic scissor lift-2013-11-23-19.01.47-300x225.jpg
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  5. #15
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    Hey, I like these roller seat ideas. I have a perfectly decent Civic seat in the car I was just going to take to the auto recyclers today. I currently have just a little round stool on 5 casters, with a tray underneath. I think the Civic seat is a much better option.
    Thanks Jon.

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