SpaceX Falcon boosters landing.
SpaceX assembling the Falcon Heavy timelapse - GIF
SpaceX foundry casting Raptor engine manifold out of Inconel - GIF and photo
SpaceX grid fin coffee table - photo
SpaceX Falcon boosters landing.
SpaceX assembling the Falcon Heavy timelapse - GIF
SpaceX foundry casting Raptor engine manifold out of Inconel - GIF and photo
SpaceX grid fin coffee table - photo
New plans added on 09/04: Click here for 2,441 plans for homemade tools.
baja (Jan 21, 2020), greyhoundollie (Jan 20, 2020), high-side (Jan 26, 2020), jimfols (Jan 20, 2020), Rangi (Jan 30, 2020), Scotsman Hosie (Jan 26, 2020), Seedtick (Jan 23, 2020), Tule (Jan 26, 2020)
greyhoundollie (Jan 31, 2020)
greyhoundollie (Jan 31, 2020), Scotsman Hosie (Jan 26, 2020)
Actually during the NACA days take off's were almost science fiction in the USA. Our take off attempts really started to look like Willie Coyote ACME rocket duds. It really took us a while to get things moving. Even after we were on our way the mighty Saturn 5 had 1 engine launch failure in the first few minutes after leaving the ground on Apollo 13. I think Apollo 6 had a launch engine problem but I dont remember to much about that one. I think that was an un-maned flight.
I really am impressed by the launches and returns that Space X has had. They to have had their own failures. Getting into space isn't easy. Maybe in another 50-75 years it might start to look like taking the family car for a drive.
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