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Thread: Triple Decker Fan

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Floradawg's Avatar
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    Jul 2018
    Flora, MS
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    Floradawg's Tools

    Triple Decker Fan

    It gets hot everywhere in the summer but down here in Mississippi we put an exclamation point on it. I built this fan a few years back and it is the second one I've built. The fans are held together with 8 machine screws and nuts, 4 at each junction. I recently modified it by installing a PVC pipe base. The base is fastened to a pair of wood 2x4 pieces that I ripped thinner above the PVC base. I bisected the hole vertically on the bandsaw and sanded the cut surfaces on the disc sander until the pipe was a tight fit. I originally had to drill the hole undersize because the pipe is not a standard drill size. I then sanded the hole on an oscillating spindle sander to the right size. You could also use a drum sander on a drill press. Then I used three drywall screws to put back and one of those is driven horizontally right through the center of the pipe to keep it from turning. The side wood pieces are screwed on from inside the fan. It used to have a pair of wood supports that were hinged and were held up by rare earth magnets when stored against a wall. It was rickety and a real pain. This mod is great and gives me no trouble at all. The front supports keep the fan from tipping forward when it is turned off. The rear supports are not glued in and can be put in the top holes of the tee when it is against a wall to get it out of the way. I use this all the time when I'm working in the garage (almost every day). And this thing really moves some air. If I'm really hot and sweaty I stand in front of it but it actually helps even if you're somewhere else in the garage too.

    Triple Decker Fan-fan.jpgTriple Decker Fan-fan2.jpgTriple Decker Fan-fan3.jpgTriple Decker Fan-fan4.jpg

    186 More Best Homemade Tools eBook
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  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Floradawg For This Useful Post:

    glenntref (Jul 24, 2018), Seedtick (Jul 23, 2018)

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