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Thread: Wire feeder for TIG welding

  1. #1
    Supporting Member
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    Wire feeder for TIG welding


    Here you can see how I build a wire feeder for my Tig welding machine.
    The cover is made of 1mm and the housing out of 3mm sheet metal.
    The clamp for the wire holder also serves as a brake so that the reel does not unwind by itself.
    The wire holder is 3d printed and fixed with 2 bearings on a 25mm round steel.
    The wire feeder motor is attached with a 3D printed holder.
    There are 2 GX16 connectors to which the hose package and the welding device is connected with a connecting cable. This way the button from the torch can start the wire feeder.
    The controller consists of an Arduino nano, a step-down converter, an L298N motor driver and a dual 24 Volt relay.
    The device is operated via a Nextion touchscreen and has 3 different modes.
    These modes are no wire, enable wire while the button is pressed, and the last enable wire when the button is pressed and disable wire when the button is pressed again.
    To attach the cable to the torch, I made a holder that fits on a WP26 torch and can be adjusted to the nozzle.

    OFF - no wire
    2T - enable wire while the button is pressed
    4T - enable wire when the button is pressed and disable wire when the button is pressed again

    Wire motor bought it for €12,-now it is more expensive €27,

    Nextion NX3224T024 € 25,-

    L298N Dual H-Bridge €5.74,.

    LM2596 DC/DC-Converter €7.04,-

    23V dual channel relay €12.10,-

    Wire 0.8mm €34.5,-

    You need also 3mm and 1mm sheetmetal a 25mm steel rod and some screws and wires. You see everything who you need in the CAD drawing.

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  3. #2
    Supporting Member NortonDommi's Avatar
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    That is an excellent build but I have to ask why? MIG is easier to set up for automation especially with a flexi-stalk and the beauty of TIG is being able to have very fine control over the weld pool.

    Wire feeder for TIG welding-mw300fleximig_500x332.jpg

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by NortonDommi View Post
    That is an excellent build but I have to ask why? MIG is easier to set up for automation especially with a flexi-stalk and the beauty of TIG is being able to have very fine control over the weld pool.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	MW300FlexiMIG_500x332.jpg 
Views:	171 
Size:	10.0 KB 
ID:	40003
    I already have a MIG / Mag welding machine, but TIG also has some advantages over other welding processes. The biggest problem with MIG / MAG welding processes is the weld spatter, which is non-existent with TIG welding. And with the automatic weld seam feed, the welding speed is higher compared to feeding the welding consumable by hand, and long seams can be welded through without stopping because the addition is over and you have one hand free

  5. #4
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    There are times I can see the advantages of being able to one hand feed the filler along with holding the tig torch just like having spool mounted on a soldering iron if you can work out the feed angle for adding the filler this can be huge
    Never try to tell me it can't be done
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  6. #5
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    Thanks markgyver! We've added your TIG Welder Wire Feeder to our Welding category,
    as well as to your builder page: markgyver's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

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