I've had a fire place ash trap in my collection of salvaged materials for awhile and today my wife came up with the suggestion that the ash trap would make a nice little BBQ

As it happens, I had got a few sheets of heavy duty mesh from work a couple months ago (3mm wire gauge, couldnt pass them up) but I wasn't sure if the mesh was stainless, or chromed mild steel. Handily the recent monsoon like weather we had told me everything I needed to know as I kept an eye on the cut ends to see if they went rusty and luckily they didn't, so it would seem they are solid stainless.

The mesh coincidentally lined up very well with the overall dimensions of the tray, which is is 9"x16", so I simply cut the mesh to the right length and made it wide enough for bending the outermost portions on either side to make legs as it needed raising by about 1.5" from the top of the tray.

After deburring, I clammped the mesh to my weld table using a piece of thick flat bar to distribute the clamping forces evenly across the whole piece and left the length I wanted each leg to be overhanging the edge of the table, then using my small lump hammer, I gently coaxed them into the correct position, job done.

Total cooking area measures 9"x16"