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Thread: Cheese grater building - photo

  1. #1
    Content Editor
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    Cheese grater building - photo

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  2. #2
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    At first you might think this was done for an architects gone wild reality TV show with the high probability of becoming a movie prop in some Sci-Fi move, Hum maybe not such a bad idea at that after all it is a medical research center.
    But in all seriousness, I can see quite a few advantages for adding a secondary cladding of this nature to a building which is otherwise mostly covered in glass. The cheese grater design is hundreds if not thousands of dormers over windows blocking out the intense rays of the sun while still allowing shaded and or reflected daylight in the building. this should go a long way towards greatly reducing the air conditioning load requirement. Other added benefits as I see them would be the arrangement of the dormers being placed a distance away from the building's glass walls would serve as wind diffusers and would prevent storm damage from hail. Another use would be a security blanket for government buildings reducing the ease to spying on the goings on within the building by someone in another building with long range sound or optic equipment it could offer some protection from snipers from a distance as well.
    I think Woods& Bagot may be on to something here.

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