Link to latest "Vise" for the Maxi Pallette
Link to new Maxi Pallete for this CNC machine:
Link to 3 tool holder plates for this CNC machine including one pen and 2 routers.
Latest spindle with ER 20 Collet and DC power with an RC motor.
This is an old project that I built in 2013 before the lathe and mill became
part of my shop. 5/8 thick aluminum was cut on the 10" table saw with a
non-ferrous carbide 80 tooth blade from Freud.
Here is the original posting from 2013 CNC Build Thread:
JJR Hybrid CNC 8020 MDF Aluminum 37 x 42
The 1 1/2 thick mdf was made by face gluing and screwing two pieces of 3/4 mdf
and securing them with many #10 screws. The screws were 1 1/2 inches long so
I ground them to 1 7/16 long prior to installing them into pre drilled and counter sunk holes.
The counter sinks and screw heads were filled, sanded and primed prior to applying the
rattle can silver paint to make my custom "Alumamdf" (my word, not in Websters book).
After reading many builds I assembled most of the parts/supplies that I would need to build my machine.
I had seen many 8020 machines and quite a few MDF machines as well as some machined aluminum with 8020.
Since I have a small garage shop with a drill press, band saw, and table saw I settled on a machine
that would not require a mill to build but would still be useful addition to my shop.
Southwest Steel is only a few miles from home so I had a good source for aluminum and steel.
The bench was made from two 19" rack mount computer cabinets. I added an MDF top and "outriggers"
to add some width to the table. They are torsion boxes that are bolted to the frames.
For a power supply I found a surplus power supply and converted it to output 32 volts at better than 10 amps.
It is not a switcher, just an old brute force full wave bridge rectifier and some caps.
Gecko 540 controller.
3 x 320 oz-in 2.8 mH Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 3/8" Shaft from CNCrouterparts.
Lead screws and couplers from Enco.
Nuts and bolts from my favorite local supplier.....Marks
8020 from 8020 inc on eBay.
MDF from the local home store.
It runs on Linux and Linux CNC.
I use CamBam to create the Gcode and various Cad programs for the drawings.
So far it has made parts for the F4 Phantom, B35 not built yet, and various
fixtures for the shop. Neat machine to have in the shop
So here are a few pictures from the start to date.