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Thread: Marking Gauges (videos)

  1. #1
    kbalch's Avatar
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    Clermont, FL
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    Marking Gauges (videos)

    Woodworkers require a means of creating a fine and clearly visible line on their workpieces to facilitate precise cuts. The ancient marking gauge has been the answer for a very long time and still works perfectly today. Building one's own also makes for an excellent project. See these videos for a few examples:

    Making a Simple Marking Gauge by Laney Shaughnessy

    Making A Marking Gauge by John Heisz

    Build Your Own (Small) Marking Gauge by Steve Emmons

    Making Pocket Marking Gauge by Jack Houweling

    How to make a marking gauge, the easy way by Scott's Garage

    Japanese Marking Gauge by Dave Bardin

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  2. The Following User Says Thank You to kbalch For This Useful Post:

    Paul Jones (Dec 23, 2015)

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