The greatest facility Metric gives you is ease of calculation.
Good old dividers were used in times past hence we have 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64 and dividers are getting kind of useless.
But it worked for what it was meant for.
I use both. Grew up with both.
There are 3 countries officially inches in the world. America is the largest. Lest I say more.
NortonDommi (Feb 13, 2021), Toolmaker51 (Jan 18, 2021)
mwmkravchenko (Jan 26, 2021), NortonDommi (Feb 13, 2021)
New plans added on 09/13: Click here for 2,457 plans for homemade tools.
baja (Jan 26, 2021), Karl_H (Jan 25, 2021), mklotz (Jan 25, 2021), mwmkravchenko (Jan 26, 2021), NortonDommi (Feb 13, 2021), Tonyg (Jan 26, 2021) many cubic millimeaters is road island??
I wasent aware that inches is the official american can that be??so why are my american cars metrick?I alsent aware that i have to stop deviding metric...I thought 16 mm divided by 2 was 8 mm...I must be missing something... I think that it may just be a week brain that cant seem to make either or both work. do i have to get permission from the math gods to replace the tiny metric lifters in my ac vw engine with big jessell 7/8" roller lifters?? will the earth spin off it's axsess??? is the earth flat when measured with the metric system?? what about the moon?? it is cheddar in inches and swiss cheezze in the metrick system??**** I better go back to school, this new math is really centrifuging me. sorry for the spelling part it is is now in metric.
baja (Jan 26, 2021), bruce.desertrat (Jan 26, 2021), Karl_H (Jan 26, 2021), marksbug (Jan 26, 2021), toeless joe (Jan 25, 2021)
baja (Jan 26, 2021), marksbug (Jan 26, 2021), Toolmaker51 (Jan 25, 2021)
IntheGroove (Jan 26, 2021), marksbug (Jan 26, 2021)
Asteroid that is "twice the size of Taj Mahal". This one slightly redeems itself by accompanying it with actual measurements.
New plans added on 09/13: Click here for 2,457 plans for homemade tools.
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