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Thread: Ring Rollers

  1. #11
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leprechaun View Post
    I've noticed the problem and it has to do with a site's software configuration for displaying images. Sometimes the wide images are rotated (as seems to be your situation) and sometimes tall images are rotated. The simple 'solution' is to crop a copy of your pics to be sorta close to square. (I don't know how close; my experience is they don't have to be exactly or even really close to square, but you might need to experiment.) Hope you get it working, cuz I sure want to see more!
    You're right about this. There is a back-and-forth about this exact subject with this forum software's customers and developers, here: How do I disable images from auto-rotating - vBulletin Community Forum, with the end result being that this is not a bug. I disagree, and I've just installed a fix for this that makes an image orientation decision based on the image's EXIF data.

    It will not retroactively orient all previously-uploaded pictures, but the goal is to properly handle future jpeg images. Let's keep an eye on this going forward and make sure it works properly.

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  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jon For This Useful Post:

    DIYer (Dec 21, 2015), Paul Jones (Dec 21, 2015)

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