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Thread: Save a small engine crankshaft

  1. #1
    nicky1's Avatar
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    Save a small engine crankshaft

    I recently had to rebuild a Briggs 11 hp engine that had ran out of oil and seized the connecting rod to the crankshaft. To remove the aluminum from the crank journal get a small Tupperware container that the journal will fit down into, fill it with Muratic acid and let it set awhile. The acid will disolve the aluminum and with a little polish with some crocus cloth it will be as good as it was before. I have done this several times and also removed aluminum pistons from a 2 cycle engine that was run without oil in the gas.
    NOTE: Don't leave the acid near any thing you don't want rusted. It's best to do it outside in the open air.

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  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to nicky1 For This Useful Post:

    kbalch (Jan 28, 2016), lazarus (Jul 11, 2016), Paul Jones (Feb 2, 2016)

  3. #2
    mcostello's Avatar
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    Oven cleaner also works.

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