Good Lord. What you'd expect to see if that coil had just fallen out of the sky.
Been away from home a few days, mainly peeking in, during lulls between visits. Looking at the pic, 60k Frank S mentions seems appropriate. I missed that's a double drop deck trailer, ie lowboy definitely suitable for loads with a big footprint. But lower means less ground clearance; smaller and/ or not so curved beams AND a flat deck.
Somebody missed the load appraisal, that coil looks a bigger diameter than usual, but so much to interfere at a bridge or doorway. . . ?
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
Wouldn't the load have been much better if the spool was rested on the side over a wide area versus the two edges of the spool? I can't tell from the photo if it would be way oversized widthwise to do so. It definately looks though that it was loaded forward of all the axles. Over the axles is where it should have been located!
you may be talking about 2 separate instances 1 the spool rolling down the highway, and 2 the coil of steel. Coiled steel is almost never hauled laying flat unless it is narrow, and then only if it will dimensionally fit a standard 42x48 pallet or come close as in 48" in diameter otherwise narrow coils under 18". wide are often banded together to become a wider coil. Trying to lay one of those huge coils of steel over without them becoming a telescope is both dangerous and difficult.
Real thin gauge sheet metal coils usually arrive in various widths depending on the user's specifications our sheet metal coils for the C purlin machine would arrive from the mill then since we did not have a slitter and a re coil machine we sent them out to be sliced to which ever width was required for the size purlin run we were doing we would often have several sluff coils of under 2" sometimes as narrow as 1/2" but mostly we tried to calculate a run of the next wider or narrower c purlins or a combination of widths when the coils were sliced to prevent this. There is not a lot of call for a 1000 meter long strip of 12 or 13 mm wide 2mm thick material.
Never try to tell me it can't be done
When I have to paint I use KBS products
Scotsman Hosie (May 22, 2019), Toolmaker51 (May 20, 2019)
Just happened today in Central Ohio. Amazing there was just minor injuries.
As with most news videos, the link does not have much information. ODOT (Ohio Department Of Transportation) posted the photos.
Scotsman Hosie (May 22, 2019)
Captioned as yesterday in Hamilton, Ontario.
Fullsize image:
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baja (Jul 11, 2019), Drew1966 (Jul 10, 2019), Scotsman Hosie (Jul 14, 2019), Seedtick (Jul 10, 2019)
In the trucking industry this is known as hauling suicide because a roll usually comes through the cab in the event of a quick stop. Most flat-bedders haul the rolls turned 90º to prevent this. I hauled suicide once (my first time - didn't know any better) and I used every chain and strap that I had onboard and drove slow and carefully the entire way. Going into the mill to get them was a memorable experience - most of you've never heard anything like a couple of 16" carbon arc rods going into the pot to melt a batch of steel.
In that picture the rear axles have a 10' 4" spread between them so the rear axle set can carry more weight than the front axles (which are close together), because there's a span between the two rear axles.
Last edited by Crusty; Jul 10, 2019 at 04:33 PM.
If you can't make it precise make it adjustable.
baja (Jul 11, 2019), Drew1966 (Jul 10, 2019), Jon (Jul 10, 2019), Scotsman Hosie (Jul 14, 2019), Toolmaker51 (Jul 10, 2019)
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