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Thread: Tractor thief tased by police - video

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    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Tractor thief tased by police - video

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  3. #2
    Supporting Member Crusty's Avatar
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    I don't know if he's a farmer but he sure knows how to plant that face in the asphalt.

    I just love to see instant karma in action.

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  5. #3
    Supporting Member jdurand's Avatar
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    That HAD to hurt!

    A couple of days ago I was testing a civilian stunner that has a bad switch, push, push...nothing and then just as my left hand is across the side strips that keeps someone from grabbing fired.

  6. #4
    Supporting Member VinnieL's Avatar
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    That was a pretty good shot by the cop hitting him while running at that distance.....Dropped him like a used condom also!! Marked his face for identification.(road rash)

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  8. #5
    Supporting Member suther51's Avatar
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    I understand that the distance between the electrodes when they hit is important. More distance between the electrodes the more effective, the further the target the more spread of the electrodes. Often in confined spaces or close quarters is when there is trouble with the tasers being ineffective.

  9. #6
    Supporting Member MeJasonT's Avatar
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    Its treated/classed as a weapon in the UK police, so carrying a taser is like having a handgun which obviously requires exceptional circumstances as if it was an armed response. It would benefit our country if the police more freely used tasers and CS gas as the idiots would think twice about committing crime. My experiences of cs gas and the numerous electric shocks i've had have certainly made me think twice about doing stupid things like joining the Navy and touching live circuits.
    The problem with youth today is there is no fear factor, they are brought up to believe people can hurt them. it certainly made my generation steer away from petty crime. The thought some burly copper could give you a clip around the ear. The closest i ever got to being shot was trying to get a mars bar from a street traders kiosk whilst drunk at 2 am in Spain - the copper unclipped his side arm and that was enough for me. I've had the enemy buzzing around ships i've served on but never been face to face and hand to hand. Even worked on an offshore vessel for the Iranians on a project off karg island where an American Navy cruiser was chased the hell away from us. Tensions had increased in the Pursian Gulf, six Royal Navy marines had just been captured in a rib which it was claimed had gone into waters they were not supposed to be. The boffins in their wisdom had decided our vessel needed protection, our captain quite rightly refused the assistance. it would certainly have antagonised the company we were working for. Its an amazing place you can see dozens of oil tankers left wrecked from the Iran-Iraq war all over the place.
    I can remember an old saying from assembly at school about a really cold bird which had been crapped on by an elephant, the heat of the poop had made him feel warm so he started to chirp and sing, as soon as he had started a lion came and ate him. The moral of the story was that people who poop on you are not necessarily your enemy and those who get you out of the poop are not always your friend.

    So the copper who electrocuted this bloke wasn't his enemy but his friend who was willing to serve and protect lol.
    A face shot (calm down i meant picture) at the end would have been an absolute classic.
    Citizen of the "New democratic" Republic of Britain, liberated from the EuroNation

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  11. #7
    Supporting Member MeJasonT's Avatar
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    Seems we can use the word S-H-I-T, sh-it, s hit sheite so what about pungi
    ha ha Jon i've beat the system.
    Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz taser you sucker for using profanity on my site
    Last edited by MeJasonT; Oct 6, 2019 at 03:44 AM.
    Citizen of the "New democratic" Republic of Britain, liberated from the EuroNation

  12. #8
    Supporting Member Fluffle-Valve's Avatar
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    Just one word, Ouch!
    I have a 1972 Land Rover Series III Truck Cab/Pick-Up and a 1962 Land Rover Series 2a Carawagon Camper.

  13. #9
    Supporting Member VinnieL's Avatar
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    I retired from law enforcement after 30 years of service about the time Tasers began to be deployed so I never used one. I have seen and heard of cases where they work and where they don't. They rely upon the high voltage to scramble nerves and muscles and interfere with the normal electrical impulses from the brain. We had a training Taser that they put patches (similar to EKG patches) on the cop who was going to demonstrate it. We had one Sgt. who volunteered and although it did affect him, he was able to keep walking right through the shock although his actions looked like a Neanderthal man! Before Tasers some of the officers carried stun guns which were handheld devices with electrodes you pushed in to someone and squeezed the switch. The electricity would arc actoss a gap of about 1 1/2-2 inches. We were in a big street fight one time and I drew back to punch this guy who was resisting arrest and another cop handed me his stun gun. I pushed it hard into this guy's tummy and gave him a good shot of electricity. The guy looked at me and said "Don't you be using that electric sh#t on me now!" It had absolutely no effect on him. I gave it back to the cop and then proceeded to punch the guy, knocking him down and handcuffing him. It's like Pepper Spray...I know some cops who would spray it on pizza or tacos before eating them......
    Last edited by VinnieL; Oct 6, 2019 at 09:45 AM. Reason: typo

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  15. #10
    Supporting Member MeJasonT's Avatar
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    Vinnie, i knew you were a copper
    you have that persona
    Dukes of hazard, the A team, convoy you name it - i think its the tash.

    I've seen a few big thugs capable of working through the pain, its only us softies who don't like gas, being belted with electricity and tears.

    If i had a cattle prod and caught the git who stole my brothers tractor he would have felt what a few thousand volts felt like.
    wouldn't have shot him, where would be the fun in that.
    Last edited by MeJasonT; Oct 6, 2019 at 06:41 PM.
    Citizen of the "New democratic" Republic of Britain, liberated from the EuroNation

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