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Thread: Vacuum Veneer Press

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Thanked 9 Times in 3 Posts

    Lazy K's Tools

    Vacuum Veneer Press

    Hi; I'm quite new here. found this site while looking for some info to make a new table saw. But having found all y'all I thought I'd share with you a device I put together which turns out to be one of the best upgrades to my shop (especially considering it's cost vs impact).

    It is a Vacuum Veneer Press setup. all of the parts plus instructions can be gotten from: Do-It-Yourself Vacuum Veneer Press

    you have to get some stuff you local supply house/hardware/lumber store. and you put it together in any configuration seems best to you.

    I use it to make faces for harps and boxes etc. I have used vacuum presses over the years to veneer columns, tables and other works. smaller stuff it's still easier to just use cauls and clamps but for big stuff and curved stuff this can't be beat.

    Vacuum Veneer Press-vacuum-pump-back.jpgVacuum Veneer Press-vacuum-pump-front.jpg

    and the arched faces in "champagne" aspen on this harp are the sort of things that I use it for.

    Vacuum Veneer Press-img_0092.jpg

    be well and be safe (count your fingers)

    2,000+ Tool Plans

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Lazy K For This Useful Post:

    Jon (Oct 23, 2015), kbalch (Oct 23, 2015), Paul Jones (Oct 23, 2015), PJs (Oct 24, 2015)

  3. #2
    Content Editor
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    Thanks Lazy K! We've added your Vacuum Veneer Press to our Woodworking category, as well as to your builder page: Lazy K's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

    2,000+ Tool Plans

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