Hi, A month after inheriting my girlfriend's washing machine it stopped working.
Pressing the on button lit the lights but they went out when the button was released.
I made a "button holder in" from a clothes prop and a weight to hold the pressure on and applied it to the on button, with the other end of the clothes prop securely pressed against a wall which, using all my psychic powers, I had cleverly built 41 years ago.
As the wall is not in the picture, please use your imagination.
Anyhow, "Violins"! as they say in France, it worked.
After the test wash, I left my new tool in place, just in case the repair man didn't come.
Well, he came and when we removed my magnificent tool.....the machine worked.
Every time we pushed the button, it worked, sending the poor repair man home pennyless and dejected and me, thinking I am a genius.
ps. I know how to spell "machine".![]()