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Thread: Tools that I have constructed.

  1. #1
    Supporting Member machiningfool's Avatar
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    machiningfool's Tools

    Tools that I have constructed.

    Hello, I am new to Homemade tools and I was invited to post some of my tools on this forum because someone saw my tool videos on YouTube, so here I am. I have had a machine shop since I was 30 and I am 70 now. Hobbies are model trains, planes, helicopters. I am involved now with 1:32, gauge one scratchbuilt trains. I make my own molds for them. I have posts on a model train forum, rbrown7713. All of my homemade tools are on YouTube for your viewing, I have 53 videos of my projects. Among my homemade tool list are these, sander made from treadmill, automatic mortar mixer, cold cut saw, scissor lift, concrete vibrator, Beugler pinstriping tool adapted to Bridgeport mill, disappearing faucet, and various jigs and fixtures for making various items. In the future I will be making a homebuilt cnc router 48x48. In some of the videos I have hints for mold making. I have plans to mount a treadmill motor on one of my manual mills because to replace the motor is so expensive, I think I can have a variable speed motor for 1/4 the cost. I have installed treadmill motors on: large format sander, bandsaw, metal lathe, cold cut saw conversion and soon my mill. I use treadmill motors and controls because they are so cheap, sometimes they can be picked up for nothing. You can view my projects on my channel on YouTube named, in small letters, search- omiateeful, then go to videos and you will find all of my projects, thank you, Bob.

    186 More Best Homemade Tools eBook
    Last edited by machiningfool; Jul 27, 2015 at 07:55 AM.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to machiningfool For This Useful Post:

    Jon (Jul 27, 2015), kbalch (Jul 27, 2015), Paul Jones (Jul 27, 2015)

  3. #2
    Supporting Member jere's Avatar
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    jere's Tools

    I tried looking for your channel but all I found was the above. Could you copy and paste a link to one of your videos,or your main channel? That would really help. I am pretty excited to see your projects.

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  4. #3
    kbalch's Avatar
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    Hi Bob,

    Welcome - glad to have you here!

    We'll be very glad to add your wide variety of homemade tools to the site. It will take a bit of time to process all 50+, but rest assured that they'll appear here shortly.

    Thanks for your greatly appreciated introduction to our community!

    What are you working on currently?


  5. #4
    Supporting Member machiningfool's Avatar
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    machiningfool's Tools
    Thank you very much. Someone had trouble finding my videos, and even posted the link in a reply and it worked. If all else fails, just search on YouTube omiateeful and click on channel and all of my videos will be there, I just did it. It is also Robert Brown.

  6. #5
    Supporting Member machiningfool's Avatar
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    machiningfool's Tools
    I clicked on the link above and it worked, so if it fails again, just search omiateeful and the first video is my treadmill belt sander and below it will say channel, there should be all of my videos. If you have more trouble email me again. Robert Brown. I am going to try the above link again there should be 58 videos.

  7. #6
    kbalch's Avatar
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    I searched for your videos myself and had no trouble locating them. This link should do the trick:

    Thanks, again, Bob - we'll get them all posted over the next week or so.


  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to kbalch For This Useful Post:

    jere (Jul 28, 2015), Paul Jones (Jul 27, 2015)

  9. #7
    Supporting Member machiningfool's Avatar
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    machiningfool's Tools
    The link above is the one. When you get there, look for videos, and they all will show up, Thanks Robert Brown.

  10. #8
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Also keep in mind that you can embed youtube videos directly into posts with the video button.

    Tools that I have constructed.-video_button.png
    New plans added on 02/12/2025: Click here for 2,750 plans for homemade tools.

  11. #9
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    Access to a machine shop since the age of 30. I envy you, sir! Welcome to the forums!

  12. #10
    Supporting Member machiningfool's Avatar
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    machiningfool's Tools
    Thank you sir, for that info., it will take me a little time to get used to the buttons around here. Also someone asked what my next project will be. I have a Lagun mill much like a Bridgeport, that the motor has smoked. To get the motor rewound, the cost is around 6 to 8 hundred and a new one is around a 1000 or higher, so I will try to adapt a treadmill motor to the mill. I have powered many of my machines with these DC variable speed setups and they work well. I just bought an older treadmill yesterday, a Pro-Form, the type with the knob type of speed control instead of the push button type, I prefer the knob over the latter, I feel I have more control. I paid 55 dollars for it, way better than hundreds. My challenge is to install the correct pulleys and make it reversible. DC motors are reversible, but these are meant to turn only in one direction because of the way the flywheel is mounted. They are mounted with a thread, turn it the opposite direction and they will come off, so I will have to install a setscrew to stop that, also to be considered a constant motor and not an intermittent type, fans will have to be installed for cooling. So, this is my new challenge. I will take pictures from start to finish. Robert Brown.

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