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Thread: Metric vs. other measurement systems - chart

  1. #231

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    If you are not keen on doing division or multiplication in your head, another quick trick for C to F conversion is by adding 18F degrees for every 10C. Zero starts at 32. So for 10 degrees C, its 32+18 = 50F. 30C = 32+18+18+18 = 86F, etc. I always remember that 20C is 68F because that's the temperature in my office most of winter! Its just as essay to remember that for every 5C, you add 9F and for every 3C you add 5F (5.4 actual) and every 1C you add 2F (1.8 actual). You can quickly and easily arrive at an accurate estimate of temperature. Converting back to C is just the opposite.

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    jimfols (Mar 13, 2021)

  3. #232
    Supporting Member MeJasonT's Avatar
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    Now you see i dont find either equation all that easy
    C=(F-32)*5/9, F=(C*9/5)+32, C=F*1.8+32, F=(C-32)/1.8 or for every 10C. Zero starts at 32. So for 10 degrees C, its 32+18 etc
    they are nasty nasty numbers lol.

    Metric is ok but i couldnt eat a whole one, i pretend i know both but its probably more like mix and match (on the same drawing).
    ive taken up machining and still struggle with the 2 thou thing when its im mm its no better, i mean what is
    0.0508 try looking at that on a dial gauge - at least 2 thou sits on the increment tick mark. Im actuall just aiming for it as opposed to being precise. I was always confused by Imaginary numbers, i mean what is that all about - next we will be doing math with non existant numbers. My maths teacher did try to convince me that algebra was just like using ohms law or any other electronics formule. Naaa didnt see that. substitution, i got that but seeing as 2x + (3x-7y) in a real world senario. Just when you got a grasp of it, you went into an exam and the bloody maths questions were in words. if Jack has 2 oranges but the oranges are cut into segments of 3 in one orange and 7 in the other orange calculate Jacks orange. I couldnt give 2 hoots about Jacks orange. He's got 2 frigging oranges. I have never in my life written out an equation in a paragraph of words. A key of constants/variables etc yes but never a page of blurb. Feeds and Speeds is my current obsession. I love it when people try to show their years of wisdom on forums and tell the poor sod asking the question to just enter the values into the formulas. Funny thing about math, if you dont have all the facts/variables equations are bloody impossible to solve. Chip load - unless you know chipload for a tool you wont get the feedrate and without the feedrate you cant find the chipload. so if you buy a cutter off Ebay the chances of getting the toothload is impossible. There is a frig granted but that isnt in the official taught /published formulas. The moto is cut twice measure once lol.

    True wizards are those who own imperial machines but work in metric

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    Last edited by MeJasonT; Mar 13, 2021 at 12:52 AM.
    Citizen of the "New democratic" Republic of Britain, liberated from the EuroNation

  4. #233
    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeJasonT View Post
    Now you see i dont find either equation all that easy
    ... I was always confused by Imaginary numbers, i mean what is that all about - next we will be doing math with non existant numbers. ... Just when you got a grasp of it, you went into an exam and the bloody maths questions were in words. ...
    Given your discomfort with math, here's a bit that should raise your hackles...

    It's a proof of Euler's equation using no words at all. It's a proof that an irrational number raised to an imaginary, irrational number can equal a negative integer.

    And before you rant about it being a useless result, ask an electrical engineer.

    Metric vs. other measurement systems - chart-euler-proof.jpg
    Regards, Marv

    Experience is always far worse than pessimism

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  6. #234
    Supporting Member rgsparber's Avatar
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    Yes, but us EEs use “j”. :-))


  7. #235
    Supporting Member mklotz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rgsparber View Post

    Yes, but us EEs use “j”. :-))

    Yeah, I'm familiar with that abomination. If you lot had termed it "flow", Ohm's law could have been V = FR. But it's all good; mathematicians don't use 'j' much except for indices.
    Regards, Marv

    Experience is always far worse than pessimism

  8. #236

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    Quote Originally Posted by rgsparber View Post

    Yes, but us EEs use “j”. :-))

    ...and programmers use i for indices!

  9. #237
    Supporting Member Karl_H's Avatar
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    But what are 'j" and "i" in metric?
    And how many olympic pools are they tall?

  10. #238
    Jon is offline Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Found in the wild. A football field measurement used for one of Google's largest data centers. I like how they specify "American" football fields, which are slightly different in length from soccer fields. Source:

  11. #239
    Supporting Member marksbug's Avatar
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    so it's 600 yards long..hy 400 feet wide .so whats rong with that? 4 story or 8? and whats the score!!! witch end is home plate on?? are the bats also bigger? what about the cricketts?? how high is the net?? more info please!!
    Last edited by marksbug; Mar 25, 2021 at 10:56 AM.

  12. #240
    Supporting Member DIYSwede's Avatar
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    From CNN yesterday:

    Metric vs. other measurement systems - chart-suez.png

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to DIYSwede For This Useful Post:

    Jon (Mar 25, 2021)

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