thats a lot of steel just to change directions. Im kinda supprized it dont have shiftable speed change gears too.
12bolts (Nov 16, 2021)
I could be mistaken; but photo clearly shows large key stock on the rear most shafting, which nearly confirm evidence those miter gears are grooved for shift forks. So, whatever they are building is just part of a FAR larger mechanism and more demands of alignment, assembly and overall rigging. All that complexity, imagined or not, might just serve an end user, without being infrastructure whatsoever.
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
jimfols (Nov 16, 2021)
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
Frank S (Nov 17, 2021)
Ha, we would not even be here if our ancestors had been afraid of a little "danger". Here in the USA anyway, how safe was it for our ancestors to board a creaky leaky old wooden sailing vessel. Try to survive the passage down in the dark stinky hold with the farm animals and very little eat. Then cross the wilderness to find a "better life". The people who finally made it were strong, brave, resourceful, smart and.... yes had some luck going for them. But then there is the thought that a lot of times, "you make your own luck"
As for the places they left, can only imagine how bad they were at the time. I have been to Haiti, I am sure there are other places as bad, maybe worse, Afghanistan instantly comes to mind, some places in Africa...
Maybe one good thing that will come from climate change... All the snowflakes will melt!!!
Hemmjo.....You are right. We are " wimps " compared to what our ancestors have gone through. I remember as a young kid, my Grandfather going to the Dentist to have a tooth pulled. The dentist was outside cleaning fish when we got there. When the dentist got ready to pull the tooth, he asked my Grandfather " with or without ", meaning pain killer . My Grandfather asked how much more it would cost for the pain killer, and the dentist told him $5.00, so my Grandfather told him without, and pulled a hair on Grandfather's arm at the same time he pulled his tooth. This was probably in the early 1940's, when $5.00 was a lot of money.....I don't know, it could have been during War time, when everything was in short supply; and $5.00 was really a lot of money.
Speaking of a tooth pulled without painkiller.
I am a recovering Alcholic, sober 43 years. Before I quit drinking I had a tooth filled that was killing my with pain. Asked dentist if it was cheaper without pain killer, don’t remember how much but I went without. All it meant to me was I could afford a couple more drinks.
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