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Thread: High-quality black-and-white photographs of large old machines and tools

  1. #481
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    Exposed gears can be scary if you're careless. As I trained in a couple of lineshaft driven shops I've become accustomed to being around such machinery. One develops a "sixth sense" to avoid moving belts and gears, etc. to work with such "Non OSHA" approved machinery.

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  3. #482
    Supporting Member hemmjo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mansworld View Post
    The exposed dry gears of the lathe engine is scary!
    I do agree that kind of thing can be dangerous, but any reasonable person can clearly see the danger and be smart enough stay away from it. "Back in the day", people were smart enough to not stick their fingers into places were they did not belong. The open gears allowed the operator to monitor the lubrication situation and to reapply when necessary.

    Much more scary to me, today, is that we are afraid of all kinds things for no rational reason. While we have become clueless in regard to things that REALLY put us in peril everyday.

    High-quality black-and-white photographs of large old machines and tools-stupid-people.jpg

    This happened a couple days ago close to me.

    Author: 10TV Web Staff
    Published: 10:35 PM EDT July 15, 2021
    Updated: 6:21 AM EDT July 16, 2021
    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two people and one dog were killed in a crash involving multiple vehicles in east Columbus Thursday night.
    The crash happened just after 10 p.m. on the westbound lanes of Interstate 70 at I-270.
    According to Columbus police,
    two men in an SUV were fighting over the steering wheel when their vehicle flipped and flew over the median into a Fed Ex truck.

    In this section of I-70 the concrete median barrier is "only" 3ft high. Perhaps we should lobby to make all barriers 6ft high!!! In an updated report the SUV driver was NOT among the dead.

    Seat Belts, air bags, self driving, lane monitoring and correction, self stopping, sleep alert for drivers; all attempts to keep us safe, are simply making cars more expensive and the world more stupid.

    S*** like this happens all the time. Way more often than some idiot sticking his fingers into open gears. Totally innocent hard working person and a defenseless dog, killed by idiots who will go on being stupid, continuing to wreak havoc on the rest of the world.

    Don't me started on the truly dangerous behaviors by too many of our leaders on all sides. Or the chemicals pumped into our food supply every day. Or the paid off building inspectors who cause whole buildings to collapse with 100's of sleeping people inside or our road way bridges to collapse.

    FAR FEWER deaths and injuries were caused by unshielded gears.

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  5. #483
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Main instrument shop room at the Gulf Oil Corporation. 1940.

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  6. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Jon For This Useful Post:

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  7. #484

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    I agree,Stupid has always been stupid and has'nt changed over time.When I started on the land based Oil-Rigs in 1978 in Australia your senses told you Ïf I Go near this or that I'll Die a Horrible Death I'll Suffer Pain Beyond whatever I've felt before"Yes So you kept away and survived and quickly developed senses within you to Stay Alive & Function.The New Breed of Stupid must be so Brainwashed and Drugged numb Well the answers are Obvious.Even Hollwood could never Devise such Stupid Scripts for a Stupid Movie!
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Stupid people.jpg 
Views:	116 
Size:	52.3 KB 
ID:	40127

    This happened a couple days ago close to me.

    Author: 10TV Web Staff
    Published: 10:35 PM EDT July 15, 2021
    Updated: 6:21 AM EDT July 16, 2021
    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two people and one dog were killed in a crash involving multiple vehicles in east Columbus Thursday night.
    The crash happened just after 10 p.m. on the westbound lanes of Interstate 70 at I-270.
    According to Columbus police,
    two men in an SUV were fighting over the steering wheel when their vehicle flipped and flew over the median into a Fed Ex truck.

    In this section of I-70 the concrete median barrier is "only" 3ft high. Perhaps we should lobby to make all barriers 6ft high!!! In an updated report the SUV driver was NOT among the dead.

    Seat Belts, air bags, self driving, lane monitoring and correction, self stopping, sleep alert for drivers; all attempts to keep us safe, are simply making cars more expensive and the world more stupid.

    S*** like this happens all the time. Way more often than some idiot sticking his fingers into open gears. Totally innocent hard working person and a defenseless dog, killed by idiots who will go on being stupid, continuing to wreak havoc on the rest of the world.

    Don't me started on the truly dangerous behaviors by too many of our leaders on all sides. Or the chemicals pumped into our food supply every day. Or the paid off building inspectors who cause whole buildings to collapse with 100's of sleeping people inside or our road way bridges to collapse.

    FAR FEWER deaths and injuries were caused by unshielded gears.[/QUOTE]

  8. #485
    Supporting Member Floradawg's Avatar
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    Yeah machines and other devices these days are more often attempted to be idiot proof partly, I think because people these days do seem to be more stupid. Another reason is these same people won't take responsibility for their own stupid actions and will litigate for monetary damages. Back in the day they if they lost a finger by being careless they were more likely to say man I sure shouldn't have done that.
    Stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed.

  9. #486
    Supporting Member hemmjo's Avatar
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    The manufacture of a new weapon in the pre-WWI naval arms race, 1908.

    Jon if this is not an appropriate post in the thread, feel free to move it.

    The manufacture of a new weapon in the pre-WWI naval arms race, 1908.

    I have often wished some of these old photos were video. Stumbled onto this old video making large cannon in 1908. There are captions in German. They are below the video the order they appear from bing translate

    1) Die Fabrikation einer riesenkanone. —> The manufacture of a giant cannon

    2) roheisen, der Hauptbestandteil der Stahlfabrikation —> pig iron, the main component of steel production

    3) der Siemens Schmelzofen wird mit Roheisen und spiegeleisen gefuellt zur Stahlgewinnung —> The Siemens melting furnace is joined with pig iron and mirror iron for steel production

    4) ein erkalteter Stahlbarren 82000 kilo schwer —> a cooled steel bar weighing 82000 kilos (180779 pounds, 90 tons)

    5) giessen eines 20 tons schwerenstahlbarrens. —> casting of a 20 ton heavy steel bar.

    6) Der geschuetzlaur unter hydraulischem druck. —> The speed under hydraulic pressure.

    7) vor dem härten wird das rohr in ein Ölbassin getaucht. —> before hardening, the pipe is immersed in an oil basin.

    8) ausbohren des mantels. —> drilling out the jacket

    9) aufwinden des 30, 5cm. 50 kaliberrohrs. —> upwinding the 30,5cm. 50 caliber tubes.

    10) auflegen des mantels um das rohr. —> placing the jacket around the tube.

    11) Totalansicht der Fabrikräeume die Kanonen auf den Drehbäenken. —> Total view of the factory rooms the cannons on the turning axes.

    12) die vollständige Verschlussmechanik oeffnen und schliessen derselben—> open and close the complete closure mechanism of the same

    13) Ausprobieren der fertigen 30,5cm. Kanone auf dem schiessgelande—> Try the finished 30,5cm. Cannon on the shooting range

  10. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to hemmjo For This Useful Post:

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  11. #487
    Jon is online now Jon has agreed the Seller's Terms of Service
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    Mesta Machine Company pickling machine.

    Fullsize image:

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  13. #488
    Supporting Member Ralphxyz's Avatar
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    #487 What is a pickling machine? It looks like a balance except it appears fixed in the center not pivotably.


  14. #489
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    A crane on a big hydraulic ram so they can pick up baskets of metal parts, swing them around on the ram, and drop them into a vat full of pickling solution. I looks like one basket is soaking and the other basket is sitting empty on blocks.
    Last edited by cmarlow; Jul 25, 2021 at 12:57 PM.

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  16. #490
    Supporting Member Ralphxyz's Avatar
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    Thanks cmarlow!! Now that makes sense, I guess I'll google pickling metal to understand more.


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